

Tutte le news

We are proud to present you the Bifrost 2024 Roadmap! 🚀


The road to the new Bifrost tokenomics starts here. ⬇️

The road to the new Bifrost tokenomics starts here. ⬇️

Here's our proposal to slightly adjust vDOT reward fee: the 1st Step of the new $BNC Tokenomics 2.0! 🌈🎉 Check the referenda below and learn more ab


3x Bonus For 2022 Public Sale Participants

3x Bonus For 2022 Public Sale Participants

Participants of Subsocial’s public sale event from last year have recently been granted a 3x bonus as a thank you for their support! For every token a

Yung Beef 4.2

Il manuale di Mangata - Parte 3: La Tokenomics

Il manuale di Mangata - Parte 3: La Tokenomics

Questo post vi presenta la Tokenomics di Mangata X. Prima vi forniremo un riassunto, poi ci addentreremo in un’analisi approfondita per spiegarvi il n
