Tutte le news
New partnership with FireFly for vMANTA users
Imagine $vMANTA spreading & growing into the Manta Pacific ecosystem 🌊 It's happening NOW🔥 We are pleased to announce a new partnership with FireF
🗳 Governance update #2 🪙 PolkaDex
Our busy Tyrone pushed another proposal to add a vDOT/DOT pair to Polkadex Orderbook for voting as Referendum #21. If the referendum passes, Bifrost'
Add BNC to Interlay DEX and Lending markets
Our friends and colleagues at Interlay are pushing a new proposal on Subsquare. This is a community request 👨👩👦👦 The goal is to add $BNC to th
Subsocial Partners With Stellaswap To Improve SUB Availability
Subsocial and Stellaswap, the leading DEX on Moonbeam, have just teamed up to make SUB available for EVM users (from Ethereum, Polygon, Moonbeam, etc.
Yung Beef 4.2
ZTG To Make First DEX Listing
In case you haven’t heard the news, Zeitgeist is thrilled to announce our first DEX listing! 🚀 ZTG will be made available on HydraDX's mighty Omnipo
Zeitgeist Offical
Mangata SDK 1.0: Costruite i vostri DEX e Bot
A luglio è stato rilasciato Mangata SDK 1.0, il pacchetto software utilizzato dal nostro team per sviluppare l’applicazione trading di Mangata X. Con
TUR-MGX - La liquidità TUR su Mangata X il 29 agosto 2022
Il team di Mangata X è orgoglioso di collaborare con OAK Network e di scoprire come Turing (la canary network di OAK su Kusama) metta a disposizione a
Incentivazione del tempo - Attrarre liquidità stabile per creare mercati affidabili
Questo articolo introduce la soluzione ad incentivi temporali per chi fornisce liquidità a Mangata X. Soluzione per attrarre liquidità stabile e per c
Polkadot Arena
Il manuale di Mangata - Parte 3: La Tokenomics
Questo post vi presenta la Tokenomics di Mangata X. Prima vi forniremo un riassunto, poi ci addentreremo in un’analisi approfondita per spiegarvi il n
Il manuale di Mangata - Parte 1: Iniziare con un unico scopo in mente
Amici pionieri, Dopo aver condiviso il nostro annuncio di Mangata X alla fine del 2021, abbiamo avuto un incredibile crescita della nostra comunità.
Buy & Burn Algoritmico - Sistema innovativo per unire il prezzo del token al successo del protocollo
Il Buy & Burn algoritmico è un meccanismo innovativo che consente ad un progetto di criptovaluta di garantire una supply limitata ed allo stesso tempo
BNC initial listing on DEX Karura Network
BNC initial listing on DEX Karura Network BNC / kUSD swap will opening at 12:30pm UTC, 21th Oct. Be on the look at
Polkaswap Dev Update!
Check the latest Polkaswap dev update:
Polkaswap Dev Update #17
New #Polkaswap Dev Update is out! New features, demos and all you wanted to know about SORA, Polkaswap, Fearless wallet development is here: https://p
Polkaswap Dev Update #16
🎆 Testnet Updates UI for selecting a custom node UI for claiming rewards for buying from the Token Bonding Curve and fees for providing liquidity
Polkaswap Soft Launch
\#Polkaswap, the #DEX for the interoperable future, is now live!
The Rise Of Decentralized Exchanges On Polkadot
Forbes wrote an excellent article about Polkaswap and the unique economic technology of the #SORA Network! $PSWAP #𒊹𒂵𒆜
Polkaswap Dev Update #14
🍥 The Testnet was updated with a new, awesome UI layout 🧭 DeFi products are now all in one place 🌉 HASHI bridge for the Ethereum network now lo
Introducing the second out of three Polkaswap reward programs!
The PSWAP rewards Part 2 introduces a path on how you can acquire PSWAP tokens through the token bonding curve. 💸 For more information see the link
PSWAP Rewards 1: Polkaswap Liquidity Reward Farming
There are 35 million PSWAP available for farming rewards, over approximately 4 years, at 25,000 PSWAP per day For calculating rewards, only the XOR p
Introducing the Ethereum<->SORA network Bridge “HASHI” on the Polkaswap Testnet
Now you can now send and receive XOR and VAL tokens between the SORA testnet and Ethereum Rinkeby testnet:
Polkaswap Dev Update #11
The Polkaswap testnet ( was updated. New features and updates are: 🔄 Swa
Polkaswap Dev Update #10
The Polkaswap test network was updated and rebooted! The following features were updated: 🔄Swap 🚰 Faucet 💼 Wallet ❗️General improvements 🌈And mo
Introducing the Polkaswap Testnet
We are happy to launch the Polkaswap testnet with basic functionality! The team is working on adding new features and fixing issues as they are found.