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🗳 Governance update #2 🪙 PolkaDex
Our busy Tyrone pushed another proposal to add a vDOT/DOT pair to Polkadex Orderbook for voting as Referendum #21. If the referendum passes, Bifrost'
Latest refunded crowdloans redemption is open !
Following yesterday's announcement ( about the opening of
The 3rd crowdloan batch is over, corresponding lease periods ended 🚧
🔓All vCrowdloans are now open for redemption for: \- 2037(Unique) \- 2013(Litentry) \- 2040(Polkadex) \- 2043(OriginTrail) \- 2030(Bifrost) \-
Polkadot Auctions Season is here: Bifrost is happy to support Polkadex Crowdloan! 🎉
Through Bifrost's SALP, users can contribute to the crowdloan and receive +3 $PDEX & $vsDOT for each DOT contributed, that can be redeemed for liquidi
Index Coop - An overview of Products
DeFi or decentralized finance has contributed to the growth and launch of several sophisticated open-financial systems and tools that don’t rely on ba
Everything Blockchain
A New Legend Rises—Hide.Me VPN Partners with RMRK’s Kanaria
RMRK is proud to announce the launch of a new Kanaria item in partnership with VPN. This will be the first Kanaria item to confer real world b
Christina Miyar | RMRK
Bifrost Launches on Karura Swap With Over 200k BNC in Liquidity Mining Rewards
Trustless trading for the BNC/kUSD pair will go live following a 48-hour period of one- or two-sided bootstrap provisioning on Karura. Karura Swap, t
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
SubSocial - A Decentralized Social Platform on Polkadot
We live in a world where privacy is a thing of the past and our social/online/digital life has taken precedence over our actual lives. We live by post
Everything Blockchain