Ever since Singular has been updated to support sending any NFT into any other NFT, a common question the team has recieved is "why is it required to
The setup of RMRK2 allows for soulbond, nested and even equippable v2NFTs. And much more. The v2NFTs or v2NFT-Sets can be easy to understand or pretty
Tricky NFT Art - Artwork, Gallery, RMRK2 Coding
A short introduction to PoP v2NFTs, RMRK2 based tool-NFTs developed by Tricky NFT Art for the AMERICAS 2.0 collection that are used to grant owners an
Tricky NFT Art - Artwork, Gallery, RMRK2 Coding
On 02.09.2022 we had to stop sales on Singular NFT marketplace for 24 hours due to a series of events described below. To explain to you what happened
YuriNondual | RMRK