The 3rd crowdloan batch is over, corresponding lease periods ended 🚧
🔓All vCrowdloans are now open for redemption for:
- 2037(Unique)
- 2013(Litentry)
- 2040(Polkadex)
- 2043(OriginTrail)
- 2030(Bifrost)
- 2027(Coinversation)
You can get your crowdloaned DOT back if you contributed through SALP and still hold these vsBond.
For redemption you need to have [vsDOT + vsBond] in same quantity.
👉🏼 Redeem here:
Step-by-step guide:
1st crowdloan batch has now expired vsBond for:
- 2000 (Acala)
- 2004 (Moonbeam)
- 2006 (Astar)
Corresponding vsBond can still be converted. (
Do not wait for the last moment to redeem ⚠️