Sub.ID: Welcome To Decentralization

Sub.ID: Welcome To Decentralization

Sub.ID has had some features quit working quite a few times since we launched it. The trouble is, it usually breaks because of something we have no control over it. 

Yesterday, Polkadot and Kusama were not showing up on Sub.ID. Parity has been doing some work and inadvertently caused a problem by pushing a runtime upgrade, which caused communication issues. Another example happened last week when CoinGecko changed something on their end to do with $RMRK, which resulted in Sub.ID showing the price of $RMRK as $0 until we fixed it.

These are all things that will happen due to the decentralized nature of Sub.ID. Another team works on their project without letting us know what they are doing, and something breaks. As previously mentioned, it is often out of our control.

Please let us know if you notice something not showing up on Sub.ID when it should, and we will see if we are able to fix it. Thank you for your patience.

Subsocial's New Block Explorer!

Yung Beef 4.2

April 2024 In Review

April 2024 In Review

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Yung Beef 4.2

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Yung Beef 4.2