PolkaVerse Integrates Grill.chat!
As part of our ongoing UX research, we have replaced PolkaVerse’s comment section with a Grill.chat window on the right-hand side on desktop, or with a pop-up Grill “comments” section, on mobile.
This approach offers numerous advantages, such as allowing users to comment without connecting a wallet. Previously, PolkaVerse was read-only without a wallet, but now, anyone can comment, and the comments section is much more visible.
Additionally, this format is more conducive to creating conversations around posts, like we commonly see on X. We’re excited to see an increase in comments going forward!
You may notice that the comment button has disappeared, and existing comments are not visible anymore. With this update, comments now take place on xSocial (in order to use Grill), while the posts are still on Subsocial.
We are planning to migrate everything from xSocial to our mainnet soon, re-uniting posts and comments on one decentralized chain again.
Let us know what you think in the comment section of this article, we’ll see you there!