Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

We have just distributed SubBanner NFTs to everyone who contributed to our first crowdloan!

Contributors to our first crowdloan, which did not win, will receive a banner of one design, with the color scheme depending on their contribution amount.

Contributors to our second crowdloan, which won a slot for lease periods 18–25, will receive a banner of a different design, with the color scheme depending on their contribution amount. The banners for the second crowdloan will be distributed soon.

Thank you once again to everyone that contributed to the crowdloan! We are working on getting the rest of the NFTs (such as the Chelobricks and Kittynauts) distributed to the winners as well.

We will have lots of exciting news coming in the next few weeks, stay tuned!

Subsocial's New Block Explorer!

Yung Beef 4.2

April 2024 In Review

April 2024 In Review

April saw UX updates, new features, and more community tools released on Grill. Let’s take a look! Login Flow & Energy Updates Last month had two UX

Yung Beef 4.2

Show Yourself: Display Your Best Grill Content!

Show Yourself: Display Your Best Grill Content!

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Yung Beef 4.2

Introducing OpenGov On Grill: The Final Step Of OpenComm

Introducing OpenGov On Grill: The Final Step Of OpenComm

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Yung Beef 4.2