Incoming Halloween & Exosama - Load your POOP Bags

Incoming Halloween & Exosama - Load your POOP Bags

This article is a Halloween Special!

Halloween is going to be massive for Moonsama!

FYI, Massive for Moonsama translates to chaotic and fun!


The first multiverse gaming project connecting NFTs from different chains. It features a Multiverse Bridge, which is key to unlocking NFT interoperability. The Multiverse Bridge connects multiple metaverses from multiple blockchains. The team has demonstrated its use by connecting with Ethereum, Moonbeam, and Moonriver.

As per DonnieBigBags, Moonsama, with over 140m invested in NFTs, is not a project but an entire ecosystem. It is also why they're building their own NFT 2.0-focused, enterprise-grade Layer 1 blockchain called EXOSAMA NETWORK. And Exosama NFTs and Moonsama NFTs are the pillars of the ecosystem.

"Expect Exo utility.

Expect our blockchain.

Expect Halloween "

If you’re well versed with all the happenings in the Samaverse, read along. However, if you want to know what Moonsama is and the chaos I am referring to, give my following articles a read -

$POOP - Not a shitcoin & $POOP - Bringing the power of XC 20.

While the original plan was to launch an L1 with Proof of Authority NFT-based governance, it was altered to launch an L2 EVM chain simultaneously, as the wait time of 3-5 months was estimated too long by the team.

The team’s plan is simple but ambitious and, more importantly, always subject to change. If you listen to this podcast, you will know exactly what I mean.

Citing technology for Layer 2 rollups not being up to the mark coupled with the desire to create their own ecosystem, the team has reverted to the original plan of building a Layer 1 EVM-compatible blockchain on Gnosis.

2 days until Moonsama launches the Exosama Network. Are you ready for some CHAOS?

Exosama Network

The Exosama network shall play a crucial role in connecting Web 2.0 games with in-game items to Web 3.0 blockchain assets and vice versa. This standalone EVM chain will be built on Gnosis, transported to Substrate, and eventually become a parachain.

Slated for launch on the 21st of October, Exosama shall be the first blockchain in the world with an NFT-based governance model. In addition, the players shall solely mint the gas token of this metaverse-focused chain.

As stated, the Multiverse bridge currently accommodates three blockchains

  1. MoonsamaNFT in $MOVR
  2. Gromlins in $GLMR
  3. ExosamaNFT in $ETH

Thus, the Samaverse currently boasts inhabitants from Moonsama's ($MOVR), Exosama's ($ETH) & Gromlins ($GLMR) with 1000+ players (& growing rapidly) playing games with each other every week. The strength of the Moonsama community can be gauged from the chart below, which indicates an ATH in active players playing Carnage, a Minecraft-based game where users mine and craft resources.

Exosama network is intended to tackle problems left unchecked by other blockchains, namely governance and speed. Current blockchains cannot cater to the world of gaming and NFTs. NFT transactions can be complex, and the space offers no solution for mass adoption.

DonnieBigBags states

  • Exosama shall boast a sustainable DAO model
  • Rope in people outside of crypto to come and play
  • Build a community of like-minded, passionate individuals

Tackling speed with Proof of Authority (PoA)

The PoA consensus model is faster than the Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) models and more scalable.

To understand PoA better, let me briefly describe PoW and PoS.
PoA, PoW, and PoS are all consensus mechanisms that relate to the creation of transactions and the confirmation of blocks on the blockchain. The goal is to achieve distributed consensus- validating others' transactions while maintaining integrity.

PoW- PoW consensus algorithm requires participants to solve complex mathematical puzzles in order to propose a new block and earn a reward. The process is referred to as mining, and the nodes that engage in mining are called miners. However, mining involves costly and energy-intensive devices to secure the network. E.g., Bitcoin.

PoS- Introduced as an energy-efficient alternative to PoW, PoS requires validators to hold and stake tokens in return for rewards. An algorithm ascertains which validator gets selected to add the next block to the network. The higher the amount and the longer the duration of the stake, the greater the probability of being selected. Additionally, the staked crypto incentivizes validators to act in the network's best interest. E.g., Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot, and Avalanche.

PoA- A variant of PoS consensus, PoA requires network participants to stake their identity and reputation instead of tokens. It is energy-efficient when compared to PoS as it deploys lesser computational resources. E.g., VeChain and Hedera.

The perfect consensus mechanism doesn’t exist. Each has its pros and cons. However, in light of Moonsama's goal of achieving speed and scalability, PoA seems apt.

Exosama and PoA

Gavin Wood coined the term PoA in the year 2017. In the case of PoA, known and trusted entities are responsible for validating transactions and creating blocks. Thus, individuals are incentivized to secure the network as their identity (read reputation) is at stake. Unlike the PoS model, which gives preference to individuals with higher amounts staked, PoA is automated and doesn’t require constant monitoring.

Additionally, becoming a validator on a PoS network is easy as validators only need to buy into the position and essentially own enough tokens and the required equipment. In contrast, PoA requires validators to pass a series of checks to become eligible for staking identity, and the number of participants is pre-determined.

A PoA consensus mechanism offers improved functionality and higher throughput and is far more sustainable than PoS and PoW. It is more scalable because of the small number of block validators.

Though the adoption of PoA has several advantages, it does sacrifice one of the basic principles of cryptocurrencies - decentralization. In order to achieve high throughput and scalability, a lesser number of nodes end up safeguarding the system. This puts the network in the hands of a select few and leads to more centralized control. However, Exosama claims to be built for “cheap and fast transactions without compromising decentralization due to NFT governance.” Obviously, only time will tell how this plays out.

Speed and scalability are key to a gaming blockchain, and the PoA algorithm delivers both. The limited number of validators (unlike PoS) enables faster transaction finality (faster block times) and higher scalability. The minimal transaction cost offered is ideal for gamers.

What does all this mean for $POOP?

Recap of POOP’s utilities

  • Native governance token of Raresama NFT Marketplace (launched as the Opensea of Dotsama)
  • Underlying token of the Pondsama game


  • Gaming token of the 3D browser-based metaverse, which doesn’t require users to download anything, making it extremely accessible!
  • Gas token of the new Exosama network.

Apart from the obvious advantage of being the gas token of a metaverse-focused L1 chain, POOP will benefit from the PoA model, making it non-inflationary in the absence of staking incentives for the validators.

Dropping some Alpha-

  • Donnie believes MoonsamaNFT holders are most qualified to ensure the network's security. The entities for PoA consensus will most likely come from the NFTs that users have collected over time. So if you want in, go get yourself some Moonsama, and if you find that expensive, head to Exosama NFTs. Moonsama NFTs and Exosama NFTs shall have different utilities.
  • Play to craft is the future. The team has received considerable funds to build cool stuff, and Battle for Nova (a game around Exosama) shall be their next priority.
  • Since the new chain is set for launch in 2 days, this week in Carnage, users might see the $POOP refineries. These refineries will be used to convert $POOP into EXN (the new token).
  • Looking for a Pre-Sale of EXN? Accumulate $POOP, then convert it to EXN.

  • Looking at POOP right now, it's easy to gauge the value it shall hold in Moonsama and Exosama infrastructure and the $140m+ ecosystem.

Closing thoughts

Donnie and the team are focused on a truly community-owned future, and if you want to partake in this VC-free culture

  • Play Carnage
  • Farm pumpkins during “Hallowsama”
  • Refine $POOP ASAP
  • Participate in the community (Discord, token-gated chat, voting)

And most importantly, enjoy the chaos in the ecosystem!

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The information provided through this work is intended solely for educational purposes and must not be treated as investment advice. Any lapses in presenting any of the information correctly are ours alone. We disclaim any liability associated with the use of this content.


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