First days of Skybreach Landsales: What type of lands are being bought?

First days of Skybreach Landsales: What type of lands are being bought?

As of now, only few Kokopelli gem burners were able to grab plots of lands, but we are starting to see the first tendencies and strategies. So now, before you get your chance to participate in the one true metaverse, take your time to fully understand Skybreach.

The intention of this article is to give a brief overview of what it seems the most common factors that have been considered in the first hours of the sale

Remember that at the bottom of this page, there is a section written by the RMRK team about what type of land you should buy: https://rmrk.gitbook.io/kanaria-skybreach/fundamentals/land/land-sale

In the following picture, we can see the current state of the map:

With a red cross: Land that has been bought

Things to consider:

  • DAOs and Communities are participating and buying land together. Large plots of land grouped together will have some advantages (possibility to build more complex structures, height…) and at the end of the day, remember that you want to have fun and being with your friends is one way of it.

    The Moonsama/Pondsama/Exosama community

  • Castle quest land: In order to build a castle, you need a 5×5 plot with an epic in the centre, there were around 20 locations that matches these requirements… and all of them were gone in minutes!

  • Big squares with epic/rare land rather than isolated epic land: One of the biggest fears of the community was that there were not any epic land left for the Kanaria phase, with just 5 days left for the beginning of this phase, as I see it, it is realistic to say that there will a decent amount of them left. The height bonus or the Othala Chunkies bonus were key in all the thinking behind buying big squares vs isolated land, and as a result of this, there won’t be any junk land

    All the occupied land belongs to 6 addresses in this part of the map

  • Rich entropy land: Epic land’s entropy goes from 0.001% to 0.01%. All the 0.01% entropy land was bought in the first hours of the Kokopelli phase. Higher entropy means higher chance for natural re-breach. This could result in a really beneficial factor in a game economy where resources will be used to craft items or build new structures

  • Edges and airship docks: Chunkies can’t fly, so they need airships in order to move to other zones of the map. Using them may have a monetary cost and in a space where everybody wants to live from passive incomes, building one could be really appealing

  • Cyber land for a Cyber Island: Kanaria Skybreach will be composed of several different islands. The biome of the first “Skyland” is Cyber, one of the things that have been said about biomes is that they will slightly boost the performance of your avatars, but who knows if the biome of the land when matching the biome of the skyland can also boost the type of resources of that specific land. From my point of view, it’s something that makes totally sense and even if it’s just a speculation, I wouldn’t be surprised if land with the cyber biome has a bonus in this first “world”

  • Welcome to the Wild Southeast 🤠: It has already been confirmed that there will be “something, something” happening in the unavailable land of this part of the map. Events? PvP Games? RMRK Hub?… I bet that there will so many cool things happening there and being close to a zone with high activity may end up being a good play

    Without any rarity overlayed, unavailable land

  • One man team player: Maybe you want isolation or explore things by yourself, then it might be interesting for you being in an island. Questing, exploring, PvE… Anyway, an island is always nice, don’t you agree?

Skybreach is to be developed, there are many things subjected to change. Don’t see Skybreach as a way to earn money but as a game. There are many things that are still to see its potential or future utility so don’t take this by heart

Congratulations to all the RMRK team for carrying one of the most difficult sales I have ever seen. Scrolling through all the map and almost everything working smoothly is awesome!

…and if you need a referral code, here you have mine: https://skybreach.app/?ref=0xF07C3957E198FEe430C33bd27Ab9303aBbae5A40