Fire up your brushes 🔥🖌 it's art contest time

Fire up your brushes 🔥🖌 it's art contest time

The time has come, Hou-ou is upon us!

The great reveal cometh!

The egg shells shall burn away with fiery airbrushes of Wacom rage, revealing beauty, genetic oddities, minboggling monstrosities, cybernetic savagery, and technological marvels.

It's time for the great Art Contest to begin!


To read the rules and what this is about, please see the original post.

Because we were late with the infrastructure for this and because we have very few submissions, we're extending the submission period until June 30th and voting period until July 7th.

Go to the Art Contest page on Kanaria and then...

As an Illustrator

Pick an egg. Use interesting emote combos when picking the egg you want to submit an illustration for, or focus on those with fewer submissions that increase your chances of winning.

There is no "claim", anyone can be drawing as many birds for any given egg. Try coordinating in the chat room to avoid competition / conflict if this is something that worries you.

You MUST draw a BIRD. Non-bird drawings will be discarded.

Use the emotes on the individual egg page as inspiration, not a guide. The output is entirely up to you, and constrained only by lowest resolution if non-vector (square ratio, 2048x2048 minimum).

Once you have a final, non-draft illustration ready for an egg, use the upload form on that egg to add the entry.

The RMRK team will process submissions as timely as possible, but it can take up to 12 hours for new entries to appear.

As a Voter

Pick an egg you want to vote on. The illustration preview on the art contest page always shows the latest entry. This lets you know if it's something you saw already or should take a better look at.

Submit your vote on the individual entries.

Your first vote on every egg costs around 2 usd in KSM and is added to the pot. Subsequent votes on that egg are free if you you change your mind later (tx fee only - 1 cent), but only the first vote on every egg counts as a raffle ticket for 5% of the pot.

🚨🚨🚨 The vote scoring is not 1 account 1 vote - people with eggs have different weights applied to their votes. Details in this post.

The Equilibrium Live Contest is Here! Registration is Open 🔥


Contest Winners: Art Contest, Raffle, RMRK Picks and more

Contest Winners: Art Contest, Raffle, RMRK Picks and more

Dear Eggdopters and art contest participants, the time is finally upon us. It has been a long journey getting to this point and so it's with great joy

Christina Miyar | RMRK

Preliminary Art Contest Winners

Preliminary Art Contest Winners

Dear Eggdopters and art contest participants, there’s no denying that the art contest was an interesting experience. We’ve had a good time going over

Christina Miyar | RMRK

Art Contest Reward Boost

Art Contest Reward Boost

In case you missed it, we are running an art contest: https://kanaria.rmrk.app/artcontest Submissions are now over. Voting on entries costs $2 per e
