Current Roadmap At Zeitgeist

Current Roadmap At Zeitgeist

After yesterday's tweet, a few of you got curious about what we're currently working on.

Firstly, yes: Paying fees using other Polkadot-based assets is indeed on the cards, and is high priority. ✅

But let's have a look at some of the main priorities for us right now:

⏩ Introducing $DOT into our ecosystem (including trading of markets)

⏩ Upgrading our AMM and liquidity mechanisms

⏩ Adding market incentives

⏩ Adding the ability to create private markets

⏩ Integrating $USDT into our ecosystem

We're always evolving and always iterating. 🏗️

And we hope you like what you see. 🚀

Make Predictions Using DOT!

Zeitgeist Offical

Zeitgeist Pipeline (Q2 2023)

Zeitgeist Pipeline (Q2 2023)

Just a quick reminder of everything in the Zeitgeist pipeline: \- $DOT on the app \- Revamped community program \- Smart Contracts \- Ledger support

Zeitgeist Offical

Current Roadmap At Zeitgeist

Current Roadmap At Zeitgeist

After yesterday's tweet, a few of you got curious about what we're currently working on. Firstly, yes: Paying fees using other Polkadot-based assets

Zeitgeist Offical

ZTG Is LIVE On Hydra!

ZTG Is LIVE On Hydra!

It's live! 🔥 Our native utility token ZTG is now available on the popular DEX "Omnipool" by HydraDX. 💦 Hydra's Omnipool offers an abundance of ass

Zeitgeist Offical