🐴 I'm Donkey Gang - Banners - What are they for?

🐴 I'm Donkey Gang - Banners - What are they for?

HI Gang !! Donkey Gang is having a resounding success and for this we thank you very much for your support and trust in the SFY Team 😊 A few days ago we released our second collection, 🐴 I'm Donkey Gang - Banners and today we want to explain to you how it works and the dynamics we want to introduce.

Given the great demand for donkeys and their scarcity (there are only 500 pieces) we have decided to introduce: auctions, social prizes and lotteries. This on the current Donkey Gang collection and also on any other collection created by SFY and the Banners will be key. The banners were distributed based on a Snapshot taken at block 10,663,208 on kusama based on the rarity of the donkey held by the holders.

Each banner based on its rarity (common, uncommon, rare, epic and mythic) will have a DONKEY POWER. The Donkey Power is a multiplier that will be added for example in auctions and to use it the holders not only must hold the banner but must also have it set on their personal profile. Below the various multipliers:

Common 1x Uncommon 1,2x Rare 1,3x Epic 1,4x Mythic 1,6x

Let's take a simple example: SFY is auctioning off the next Donkey God and there are two people interested in buying it. If both have the banner on their profile they can participate in the auction. If one of them has a mythic banner and the other a rare banner and both offer 30ksm

  • the owner of the mythic banner will have a total offer of 30x1.6 = 48ksm
  • while the user with the rare banner will have a total offer of 30x1,3 = 39ksm.

In this case, whoever reaches the highest score by spending a total of 30 ksm would win the auction (the multiplier is only used to define the winner).

The auction can still be won by everyone, even those who have a common banner, just exceed the opponent's bid using your own multiplier.

The same principle will be used for social prizes, if you want to exceed the score obtained for example in a game (yes we will give the opportunity to challenge you to get a prize) by your opponent, you will have to take into account the Donkey Powers.

Regarding lotteries, we will no longer give everyone the opportunity to participate without having a banner.

What we have explained to you, of course, will also be valid for future collections created by SFY Team.

✌️ Supports the Gang!

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